For a total of £15 and I'm going to make the boys a film night box and fill it with a blanket, popcorn, drinks, hot chocolate, marshmallows, sweets glow sticks a couple of cheap dvds. I have to get some paint to paint the crate before I put the stickers on. All in all I reckon I can get it all in for £40 for the two of them (the crates come in threes so I can do one each and keep one for the spuds) Im sure I have some ceramic pens somewhere and if I can dig them out I can decorate them a personalised mug each too. Then that just leaves Santa gifts but I might leave them to the other half as my creativity and funds are totally drained.
I feel so energised by my minor successes - I might just pull this off!!
No one else will get presents. I don't have to worry about my extended family - they do some draw thing and know we aren't in it so I won't feel guilty. I'll have to do pound shop bundles for my niece and nephews and just a selection box for my friends children. No prezzies for the other half or other adults - just too poor.
I so love Christmas it really does fill my heart with sadness that I can't do it properly. Next year will be better. And if the box comes off like this one I'll be chuffed.
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